Compassion is an expression of Love towards others. Maharishi
Charity Events
Food distribution
Elderly home visit and care
Environmental conservation
Plastic-free campaign
Pet care
Marathon events
Support to destitute
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New York, Canada, UK, Hungary, Belgium, France, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Bahrain, India, Dubai, Italy, Germany, Serbia, Austria, Czech Republic and Switzerland.
The pandemic impact
Szolonk, Hungary.
Only the father had small income, was not sufficient for this family to take care of a little girl having autism, mother could not go out to work for the same reason.We could help them the groceries for one month and indeed supported the other child with a laptop for the online studies.

The Valentin gift
Szolonk, Hungary.
This family with three children, one of the girl has mental health issue has to go through tough time for the day to day needs in the pandemic situation. We could help them with groceries for one moth for the whole family and indeed in helping to pay the essential bills.